Spoken Poem Performance

I am honored to have reunited with my two expressive arts colleagues, Marshall Lyles and Sara Tustumi to collaborate on an art response to our original podcast, for the Creative Psychotherapist Podcast with Reina Lombardi, Art Therapist. This spoken word poem evolved out of our original podcast, “Intersectionality, Disability, and the Expressive Arts.” Thank you to Marshall & Sara for your attuned collaboration on this meaningful expressive arts initiative! #ADA32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJwQbh-gj4Q&t=302s

Report from NPR

I found this report encouraging for expressive art therapists. Hope you enjoy it! https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/02/19/1081263873/mental-health-art-therapy


由水南さんのYouTube生番組に出演させて頂きました。良い経験でした。 南さんの頑張り屋さんぶりには感動しています。 番組はこちらのリンクからご覧ください。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5Zt9fPmKXQ&feature=youtu.be 由水南さんのwebsiteはこちらです。 https://www.minamiyusui.com/